"Contrary to the belief of many, strawberries are not true berries, it is fragaria, as to eggplant, eggplant is not a vegetable but a berry."
I went to Benguet, a province in the Philippines mostly mountainous, to find interesting stories and. As I observe the place especially in Baguio, the commercial hub of northern Luzon island, I noticed these fragaria fruits. I suddenly got an idea in mind. I just hope my readers will appreciate this blog post. Anyway, it is not quite easy to make story from a simple thing especially when your topic is only about a fruit [hmmm?]. There can be some resources but as much as possible, I want to make my story as original as it could be.

For the love of Fragaria Fruits!
I am not telling that all the information I am feeding here like the history of a place came from me.
No, that's an exception. Sometimes, when your article is about facts, you have to research and validate it.
What I am referring when I say that I want to be original is that, I must formulate my own sway on how I will deliver the concept of the story in a manner that it is only me who can bring. Anyway, we are going too far and the things get complicated... Let's go back to fragaria. Haha!

Lots of fragaria fruits!

If I am not mistaken, it is only in some provinces of Cordillera [a mountain range, includes Benguet] where fragaria fruits are cultivated in the Philippines.
This is an industry that has been shaping the lives of the Cordillera people.

For the information of all the readers, the formal name of strawberry is "Fragaria" and strawberries are actually related to "Rose." Contrary to the belief of many, strawberries are not true berries, it is fragaria, as to eggplant, eggplant is not a vegetable but a berry. It sounds weird but really, Strawberry is a fragaria, and Eggplant is a berry. Strawberries can never become a berry, and an eggplant can never become a vegetable. Are you confused now? Well, that's the reality...The fleshy and edible part of the fruit is actually called a "receptacle" and the dots at the skin of the fruit is not a seed, it is called "conceptacles." I repeat, fragaria has no seeds.
Anyway, whatever name this fruit is called, it has been painted in my mind, heart and soul that this fruit is a strawberry and the dots at the skin is the seed. And I must say, I don't know fragaria, but I know strawberries.

There you have my cousin Honey enjoying the Fruit of Fragaria. In layman's term, strawberry [Huh! Sounds complicated]. Anyway, a package of strawberries in this part of Baguio is 25 Pesos, about 0.5 US Dollars. In my own estimation, that one pack of strawberry has about 30-50 pieces according to the size. Now I know. Fragaria's receptacle is really delicious. In short, Strawberry is really delicious!Tags: Other term for strawberry | Other name for strawberry | Is strawberry a fruit? | Strawberries of Baguio | Strawberry of Benguet | Pasalubong From Baguio
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