"I came here under the scorching heat of the sun in the extended summer for June but reaching the place seems like it is already December..."
If you'll give me a chance to describe Bessang Pass in four words, I would choose FOG, CHILL, HISTORY and FOG again. Being here feels like I am with the clouds in the sky. It is such a paradise behind the clouds up high. Imagine, I came here under the scorching heat of the sun in the extended summer for June but reaching the place seems like it is already December because aside from the fog which is everywhere, the place is also chilly to the point that I need to wear jacket not to cover my skin from the harmful rays of the summer sun but to provide heat to my trembling body.

Foggy Bessang Pass
Bessang Pass is the highest point to any road/highway system in Ilocos Sur [and probably in Ilocos region as a whole]. Located 260 kilometers away from Manila, Bessang Pass is situated at a strategic point in the town of Cervantes in Ilocos Sur Province, Philippines.

Great Mountains

Vanishing Highway
Maps by Wikipedia |
Location Highlighted in Red |
Maybe you have heard the Battle of Bessang Pass? That event happened here exactly. According to our written history, Bessang Pass was the last stronghold of the Japanese imperial forces under Gen. Tomoyuki Yamashita, known as the “Tiger of Malaya” and conqueror of Singapore.
It was part of the triangular defense of General Yamashita in the north, namely the Balete Pass, Villaverde Trail and Bessang Pass, guarding the Ifugao-Benguet-Vizcaya borders.
Its fall on the hands of the United States Armed Forces in the Philippines (USAFP-NL) on June 14, 1945 paved the way to the entrapment of Yamashita’s forces in the Cordillera until the general’s surrender in September 1945. The battle was the crowning glory of the battle exploits of the all-Filipino USAFP-NL forces. The battle lasted for four months of protracted, fierce, relentless blood hand to hand combat with suicidal enemy.

Because of that history that has been written in books and its rule for shaping the independence of our country Philippines, a marker has been put up in commemoration of the Battle of Bessang Pass where we were sitting with my bro. 30 minutes away from this pass is the Cervantes town center and more hours of travel will lead you to either, Benguet or Mountain Province and soon Abra.

Mountain top
As I was telling, everywhere is fog. In Bessang Pass, there is also a park called Bessang Pass National Park where there are some facilities to have a chilly picnic and behind that park is a cliff and the amazing thing is you can not see that cliff because at your background is all fog.
Before reaching Bessang Pass, a lot of waterfalls just along the highway will welcome you. Some waterfalls even fall just directly to the road making it slippery. So if you're planning to visit Bessang Pass, be sure to fasten your sit belt. You're ultimate fear would be the falling rock, landslide and the fog but don't worry, there is a low and almost no accident record in this highway because it is not a busy highway. Of course, it always helps to be careful and cautious anytime.
Regarding the falling rocks, it is not so common but of course road signs will always remind you as well as the landslide prone areas. It is just a reminder to be careful and not to intimidate travelers.

With my bro at the Battle of Bessang Pass Marker

The mountainous background becomes white!

Battle of Bessang Pass Marker

Beautiful Cervantes Mountains
I have mentioned that Bessang Pass is 260 km away from Manila but we have gone too far, as far as 355 km away from Manila still in the mountains. Well, that would be another story.
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